domingo, 20 de junio de 2021

Blog 6: "references to character design"

If you study film, visual arts, animation, fashion design, illustration, or stage design (like me) you will probably love this page, surely you have asked about every drawing are made for your favorite animated film. Today I speak of "references to character design", it is a "website dedicated to the sequential, illustrative and conceptual art of animation, games and comics".

They different sections as artwork, interviews, shop, cd challenge, and visual library. The visual library consists of various portfolios of character design, creature design, anatomy studies, environment design, object design, and tutorials.

I visit this page when I have free time, I love to look the design about my favorite movies, especially of Walt Disney, this page helps me improve my drawing technique and learn about the film process, I leave you five beautiful images of concept art here.

I like this page because it is varied, although I name concept art about Walt Disney, here we can also see art from DreamWorks, Pixar, Studio Ghibli, or from new and small studios or artists that they help spread. So, I recommended that you visit this page if you like art, design, or animation.

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